SINFONET deals with Research, Innovation & Technology Transfer applied to the Foundry, and aimed at the full control of processes, the guarantee of high quality products and services, the introduction of innovative design and design criteria, optimised use of raw materials.
SINFONET aims to enhance the human capital of the companies involved in the entire foundry chain, through actions aimed at implementing skills, strengthening the know-how of staff, creating new skills.
SINFONET aims to foster integration processes in international markets, promote economic, commercial, industrial and financial cooperation, implement the process of expansion in the foreign markets of the Companies participating in the Network.
SINFONET aims to foster the development of "digitally managed" foundries, where processes and quality are continuously monitored and controlled through advanced sensors and the integrated application of numerical models and cognitive systems.



The Regional Innovative Foundry Network

SINFONET intends to coordinate and carry out a wide range of initiatives for the Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys and for the engineering companies.
SINFONET brings together 45 Entities and Companies, with over 4500 employees in Veneto and a turnover of about € 1.5 billion.
SINFONET will constitute in Veneto a Pole of Excellence, grouping the actors of the entire supply chain: foundries, producers of raw materials and consumables, suppliers of engineering, services, technology, plants, research and innovation, end-users.


Learn more about our goals and what services we can offer.

Rete innovativa

What is SINFONET (focus)


SINFONET in 6 minutes